Physics, Maths, Biology and Chemistry Paper for Mid sem is over!!! Yeah..There are lot of things happen within the week. I am prohibiting myself from touching my laptop (although sometime I did), controlling my eager to shopping and jalan2 cari makan. Wow..most of my daily routine and activities have to be reschedule!!! But, I realise one thing that seem unchanged and yet improving; that is the God. I am still going for the morning prayer, Sunday mass and also student gathering at Church. Well, this is because, God is my priority. Exam is important. But, without God in our exam, this will be meaningless.
After my last paper; Chemistry, hoorrayy!!
I went to Giant Nilai for enjoying and shopping!!!
This is what I have summarized happened there:
First, I went up to the weighting scale, and...WOW!!! Within 2 months in KTT, I loss 2kg. How come arr? Hahaha..then, for those who need advices on diet, just message me (coz I think that I can be a good diet teacher already after I loss 2kg in 2 months!!!)
Next, I accompanied Ricky to buy a sandal for his sister.
Which one do you want?

Let's guess, who's legs is this???
Finally, we spent our time for KFC!!! How to describe arr...erm..
Sedap sehingga menghirup panjang...???
OR, sedap sehingga tersenyum panjang...???

OR, sedap sehingga menjilat sudu plastik panjang...???