Last year, we made Easter Eggs! And, we came with a great testimony which really inspired those who were in that moment.
This year (2011) Easter, we made 300 of Easter Balloons for KTTians! (With note sticked: God LOVE you for who you are). This is part of our Campus Revolution (with love) activity. Some people called it as a STRESS ball. I'm not sure why, but most probably is because of two matters:
- Either the Easter balloons can be shapen according to your feelings or moods on that particular moment, or
- Maybe because the Easter Balloons are too cute!
This is my Easter Balloon this year!
I haven't named it: Any suggestion?
My Teddy is not lonely anymore, he got a new friend!
All of these were made out of love and passion with care. Pleased to know that we gave out 300 Easter balloon in around 2 hours!
Not only giving out to Christian, but many unbelievers (Hindu, Buddha and some Muslim) took it due to its cuteness (maybe). Even the lecturers took it themselves, and felt touched! Edwin and I gave to our KI Indian Lecturers, and they felt appreciated! Love, love, LOVE!
Some UITM (or Diploma), eh not sure la what course are them (but for sure, non A-Level or KI students) also were very excited to chose the cutest Easter Balloon for them (alaa, susah sangat nak pilih, bagus pilih saya ja! Hehe). And they asked, kenapa tak jual? Mesti dapat banyak untung!
Well, LOVE is not to be sold, and it can't be bought either. It is free, but yet very expensive and purely precious too! Good job and thumbs up to all the juniors (and my batchmates too), you've shown the LOVE of Christ in this college! Hopefully you guys can do more to exercise your faith!
Happy Easter everyone!
click this link KTT CF Easter Balloon