Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My New Lecturers

When I reached KTT on 29 of November, the first thing I did was checking on the new information regarding our new time table and lecturers. Previously, this is my lecturers:

Physics (as well as class lecturer):

Miss Syikin


Madam Faezah binti Othman


Mr. Addie Faris Anua


Madam Aliza

But then, two of them were changed! My physics and biology lecturers are still the same (thanks God). However, my Chemistry and Maths lecturers were changed!!! Firstly, I’m so sad. This is because, a couple weeks before my final semester 1 examination, the way my chemistry lecturer taught us was totally improved!!! And honestly, I like the way and the attention she gave us before.

Meanwhile, about my maths lecturer, she inspired me a lot to improve my maths. Proudly to say, one of the reasons why I didn’t drop maths is because of her. She is understanding, caring and always laughs in our class. She is also ‘melatah’. The words that she always melatah is “Eh, mama terbalik”. I remember last time, I ask permission from her not to attend maths class on Thursday evening because I need to do my MPP speech/manifesto. Surprisingly, she cancelled the class and came during the manifesto day to support me myself. She asked Sue Ting, when is my turn? Although I’m almost the last person that day, but she waited.

My new lecturers are: Mr. Sivabalan (Chemistry) and Mdm Ozie (Maths). Both of them are good. I’ve heard that, last time, KTT have 15 outstanding students who got the best achievement awards (Mathematics) in the World. And, most of the students were from Mdm Ozie’s class. Then, imagine, how good, knowledgeable and powerful she is. But, she is too strict and give us a lot of works..huhu!!!

Although I have new lecturers, I will never forget my x-lecturers indeed; even my primary and secondary teachers. I appreciate everyone who did amazing things in my life. "Thank you and may God’s Blessings will be always with you". AMEN


Willy said...

i hope u enjoy Mr Siva's class...haha...=)

naderROXX said...

haha... u got the best lecturer! u should be top in the world as well la! hahahaha~

Maegyvear said...

i will nader....