Friday, May 28, 2010


I can say that, one of the greatest moment I have here in KTT is the great fellowship among students, especially with the seniors in our CF! 

Seniors are leaving. Juniors are coming!

Susu (Lim Sue Ting), I promise you to keep CF growing, glowing and keep glorifying with my very own way. I learnt a lot from you. Although I made a lot of mistakes, but, I won't let CF die in KTT. If I can't carry it alone, I have Edwin, Joyner (also leaving soon), Sophia, Mark, Gavin Man, Ricky, Willy, Melzie, Victor, Ling and Gebby to support me. I (we) will train my (our) juniors to become a great, awesome Christian leader, and build up their personality in christian way as what you did to us.

Well, CF Committee, lets do this! CF Members, let the bond within this fellowship even deeper and stronger. Future CF Juniors, I can't wait to see you guys. (How do they look arr?)

Okay, I'm too ambitious here. But, really, I meant it!
God Bless.

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