Thursday, December 9, 2010

Di Antara Seribu Bintang (Buat Maegyvear)

Last night, I can't really sleep. Then, I sat on my table inside my room, and played my beloved keyboard. I don't know what to do next. So, I looked at my book shelf and saw my SASILA's Collection.

I opened back SASILA SMESH year 2008.
And, found something that waken me up! I read on page 81.

I was so touched after I read the poem that was written by my teacher; Cikgu Datu Ramlee, for me during my last and final year in SMESH.

Di Antara Seribu Bintang (Buat Maegyvear)

Dia di antara seribu bintang
Bersilau indah di taman angkasa
Bersinar menyinari alam maya
Di antara sejuta hamparan cinta

Hidupnya alpa penuh sederhana
Langkah bersahaja tuturnya berbahasa
Pahit getir bisa digalasnya
Demi ibu dan ayah tercinta

Berbanggalah ibu yang melahirkan
Bersyukurlah ayah yang membesarkan
Hadirnya menyeri sebuah kehidupan
Penyambung generasi citra keunggulan

Berkilaulah engkau wahai bintangku
Bertekad cemerlang menimba ilmu
Perjuangan gigihmu diiringi restu
Kemenanganmu pastinya ditunggu

Ikhlas dari seorang pendidik

Thank you so much teacher. I really thank you for what you have done to me, since I was in form 1. I realised that, without the presence of you in SMESH, my life will be harder then. May God bless you, your health, and your life! One important thing that you need to know: I will always appreciate my teachers, no matter what people told me badly about them. Because, the thing that I count is the good things you did and the blessings you gave in my life! God Bless.

P/S: Nothing much I can do to show how much I appreciate you. But I hope with this post, it can shows that I really do appreciate you, and all my teachers.


b0m^2 said...

DR- datu ramlee.. hehehe

Maegyvear said...

Yups, DR: Datu Ramlee.

But written In SASILA as DR.