Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thinking of getting a Girlfriend?


Writing this post just to fill in my free time.
I'm not saying that I desperately need one. Oh please!
But, I just want to share few ideas with you guys, readers.

We heard a lot of thing about this matter, kan?
Cinta Monyet? I believe most of us have experienced it before, at least one in a life time! MOST. Not everyone. Paling kurang pun, pernah bercinta dengan monyet la. Hehe. Kidding!

I'm not saying that this is wrong or not appropriate. Because it depends on how you handle this matter actually.

But there is one interesting thing that have opened my eyes long time ago after being told by someone:
"Kalau tak bersedia untuk memikul komitmen, jangan ghairah nak berkomitmen."

And for me, there are 3 things that a guy should have/get before they plan to be in a relationship.

Having a stable job/career

By hook or by crook, you have to get a job! How you want to support yourself, your partner, and in the future, your family?

Get your own money, please! 

Takkan lah nak bercinta pun masih lagi nak minta duit mak bapak, memalukan! And sometimes (most of the time), burdening them.
Can drive a car!

Some of you might think that this is not important. But for me, it is one of the MUST in list. So that you can bring her for traveling, dating, or even to fetch her from somewhere.

P/S: Counting the days left towards 2020. Apabila tercapainya My Wawasan 2020.



oi aku tak pernah ada cinta monyet.. dgn monyet pun tiada.. dgn rabbit adala.. haahahaha
betul betul...mesti kerja keras..
I want a bf..but im not desperate. hhahahahahaaha!!!

Maegyvear said...

Xpayah desperate2 amy..datang juga tu nanti...

Joan said...

now i know what's ur Wawasan 2020 ad...haha...

Maegyvear said...

Haha. LoL!

munirah said...

Condition 1 & 2 is important but the third one i agree. Its really annoying when you were asked on a date, tp you have to come on your own. Come onnn, lame gila kalau prpmpn kena pegi sndiri, fetch laa. :/

Maegyvear said...

haha. Thats y!
Must get all of them first b4 getting into relationship...kan kan?

ezra said...

ging, jauh sdh fikiranmu ini..hahaha

Maegyvear said...

edge, kita mesti advance dari biasa..hehe

Anonymous said...

hahaha yeah d 3rd 1 is a must!!