Friday, June 25, 2010

Juniors coming to KTT

Statement of the day:

"Roughly 260 students coming to KTT next week.
Roughly 215 non-muslim students.
Roughly _____number of christian students will be joining CF next week."

Wow! Large number of juniors coming. Can't wait to see and meet them all. Majority are Chinese and Indian.  The number or female students are also more than male students. Come on, awesome batch of juniors! Orientation week starts this coming monday.

Seniors, be ready!

MPP, breathe in and out normally ya.

God bless.



260 omg so many... adala tu laki laki yang hansem hansem...

Maegyvear said...

Ya..many than us...

amy, control ya..jgn liar, jangan buas..nnt budak2 yg baru belajar deman terkejut nnt..hehe