Sunday, April 11, 2010

RevoTour Nilai 2010

"Holy Spirit have your way
All of my hopes, my dreams, my days
I lay it all down again, devoted to do your will"

Empress Hotel!!! Its awesome. Not only the place itself, but also the testimonies of what's going on there last night. Campus Revolution: World Changers! Almost 50 KTTians went there for the fellowship and, as the CF President, I'm really, really and extremely glad with that number of heads counted.

Well, what did I learnt the most last night was the words and the theme itself (World Changers). When Pastor Dave shared about our college campus revolution's testimony, I was struck! How can a simple story that what we gone through can become a great testimony to others? I was so inspired and motivated by our testimony itself. Praise you Lord!

Then, Pastor Dave asked us, "Who want to become the World Changer, please come forward because we want to pray for you."

Then, without doubt and hesitation, I stood up, and walked to the front. At first, I was afraid! But, with God's will and with all my strength, with all my heart, I made my way, I create my pace, and be blessed! I was touched by the Holy Spirit and from that very point, I made my decision:

"Lord, I won't be afraid anymore. I won't be ashamed to tell the world: how great is my God! I won't be hesitate to lift up my hands and worship You. I will use my voice to praise and sing for You. I will use my heart to generate an electrical activity to dance and move with the sound wave of praising and worshiping You. Because you are my God. I'm proud being a Christian. And, You deserve it!"

Thanks God for recharging me back, and put me back on my track.

No matter what kind of leadership I'll bring to my CF, I won't be afraid of what people's negative judgement gonna be anymore. Because, as long as my heart is right, and I'm guided by You, then I'll surrender everything to you. I know that some people might not like me with my Christianity, but I hope You can guide me and give me strength for this.

This book was given by Willy! Thank you very much, bro!

This shirt, I bought it!!! The Blue-Revolution shirt.
And, I look awesome with it!!! 
Now, get ready to become the World Changer!


Melzie said...

HALLELUYAH! All glory be to God, bos! The place was so packed with KTTians :D

P/S: I told you the blue shirt looks better than the pink shirt. Bwahaha xD I got good fashion taste ok. Listen to me more :p

Willy said...

Ur welcome...

Maegyvear said...

any colour suit for me...(trying to prove that I am fair and lovely~yeahhh...)